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Safety and Style Combined: The Advantages of Glass Balustrades

Safety and Style Combined: The Advantages of Glass Balustrades

Posted by Grand Glass on 6th Feb 2024

If you are looking for a glass balustrade, our Auckland-based company can deliver — literally. But why should you choose a staircase with glass balustrades over the more traditional option of wood? Here are just a few advantages of glass balustrades...

Ease of Maintenance

The balustrades may accumulate some dirt, but you can wipe this off with a cloth effortlessly and leave the glass looking brand new.

Overall, glass is easy to maintain over the long term. This material does not — in contrast to wood — discolour or have to be repainted from time to time.

A More ‘Open’ Space

The transparency of glass balustrades enables light to pass right through them. This means that, with a set of glass balustrades installed in your own space, you can expect it to feel airier. Light can also bounce off the balustrades’ reflective surfaces and make the space appear larger as well.

Style That Can Go with Any Design

Whatever your home’s existing design, you can expect a glass balustrade to complement it perfectly. One simple reason why is that, since glass is clear, it can be seen as aesthetically neutral.

This doesn’t mean that glass is bland — far from it. You only have to see the photos of glass balustrades on our website to see what sophistication these fittings would be able to bring to your home.

Improved Safety

When you see the word ‘balustrades’, you might initially picture a series of railings with gaps where curious children could potentially get a head or leg caught.

The good news is that the glass balustrades in our selection don’t come with these gaps. These balustrades instead comprise a set of solid panels, enabling you to rest easy if you have kids.

Environmental Friendliness

This is no small benefit in our climate-conscious age. Glass is derived from sand, which does not deplete any of the world’s natural resources. Glass has also been credited with infinite recyclability.

To learn more about how you could tap into multiple benefits of glass, please reach out to us by phone on 09 478 9778. We can deliver products to a wide range of NZ cities — and would be happy to both provide and install a glass balustrade at an Auckland home or workplace for you.